Welcome to my blog, Real Event Lifestories

I wanted to share some stories from me and my family. I added some poems and drawings and will probably add more in the near future. I also have a second blog about drugs and pictures.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

My Boyfriend

I have been told
I am very SPECIAL"!
That's how my boyfriend thinks.
But when it comes to loving me, he'd rather pick up a drink.                                                                   Congratulations join the circle,     your the BIG WINNER here.                                                              I feel  I am very privileged to be with him after all these years.
We never go out haven't for years and enjoyed  our company.

He thinks he is using me as an old spare while shopping around for a new one.
I suppose you don't have to go very far,  " see"! 
Their sits one right there at the bar.
She is going to be told, she is very special, like the one before.
I am tired sitting here all alone wasting my precious time,
hoping for good ole times to return.
If you can take your love away, you can't expect any in return.                                              
Time for a new boyfriend.

Anime Girl

Anime Girl