Welcome to my blog, Real Event Lifestories

I wanted to share some stories from me and my family. I added some poems and drawings and will probably add more in the near future. I also have a second blog about drugs and pictures.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Poem...........The Coward

The man I used to love                                                                                                                             has changed in so  many ways.
I met him long  ago.               
When our eyes met, my hands began to sweat.
I fell in love right away.
Everything  was fine at first                                                                                                                             but he slowly fell for his thirst                                                                                                                         and got drunk time after time.
The shame I endured, the cut downs I received,
I thought !                              
" Love will make everything go away".                                                                                                      

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Poem..............My Prison

I am in my own prison I call home it holds a lot of  memories.
My mind is kind of the same,
I feel my memories starting to drive me insane.                                                                                                                                                        I am all alone held captive,
like on a ball  and chain.
I am stuck in between these prison walls surrounded by these memories
that chained my soul I like to brake them down
I  only hold the key                                                                                                                                      to set me free                                                                                                                                           from the walls of my own prison.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Poem.....My Mind

My mind traveled oh so far,                                                                                                                        my spirit as my guide.
Across the ocean and beyond                                                                                                                      to the other side.
To many dreams to follow and to see.
My vessel might never reach it's destiny.
Where ever my vessel takes me, I will explore.
 Always searching for answers and satisfy the hunger for more.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Poem;.............A Heart

A Heart full of joy is light and happy
but a Heart of shadow is dark  and heavy                                                                                                    It pounds a quiet  thump, thump,thump,                                                                                                    But when excited it will jump,jump,jump.                                                                                 
The blood will pump from top to bottom                                                                                                      and when angry constrict a vain.
You better watch out don't let that happen,                                                                                                   because a clot may become your problem.
So always take good care of me, exercise me,                                                                                              keep me light and happy.
Like I said a Heart full of Joy is light. How easy it is to take me for granted.              
So please take a listen and heat the warning,                                                                                              because on day may come like it did for me.                                                                                              Thank the Lord for saving me.

A near brush with death

Near Death Experience.

It started out to be a usual Saturday, April 2004, with sunshine and the temperature was in the mid 70's today. I thought today I'm going to stay busy. Well, the morning started out kind of slow. I slept in this morning. I remember I thought it was around 10, o 'clock when I got up. My husband already made coffee for us two. I  poured myself a good hot cup of coffee and drank another one. In the meantime it ended up being around 12,o' clock, my husband got ready and I thought I'll get ready later on. I started to do so some house chores by this time it was 2,o'clock. My husband and I warmed up some leftovers we had from the day before, for Lunch. Everything is still fine with me.
So I went outside to sweep the back porch and the sidewalks off. My neighbors are outside too, doing some yard work that they always do. When I was done sweeping, I let some water into the bucket and told my husband I'm going to wash the car. My neighbors seen me rinse the car off and yelled over to me, when I'm done with my car, I outta come over and do the same to their car. We both laughed about that comment and I told them both  that I had enough to do over here.

I started to wash the top and then the windshield, but when I started to wash the hood, I started to feel  an awful lot of pain in my upper stomach. I told my husband I had to go inside to take sum Tums but they did not work.My face felt clammy like a cool sweat and I got sick to my stomach. Of course I ended up vomiting. My body felt real weak and I hurried up to lay down. These horrible  pains are more then a sour stomach. I thought this is more like a heat attack. I never felt so much pain in my entire life. The pains traveled clear through to my back down both arms clear down to my fingertips. It was about 4:10PM. I told my husband Harry, please call 911, but he thought the pains would subside pretty soon. Well, they didn't.
 I said again, please call, he finally did call the emergency. My arms felt so weak I could not keep them on my body or next to me, they fell right back down. That's how weak I was at that point in time.
Finally the Emergency arrived at our house. When they checked everything they informed me and my husband, that I was indeed suffering a heart attack. So off I went in the ambulance to the hospital. my husband followed the ambulance to the hospital.I guess they had given me a clot buster, but that didn't work and the emergency doctor at the hospital, referred me to the Columbus hospital. So they wheeled me out to a helicopter that life lighted me to Columbus. The flight didn't last very long only twenty minutes. 
                   As I was wheeled out of the helicopter, I thought we had landed on the roof.That's how it looked to me anyway. So I was admitted to Riverside Hospital. We went on an elevator and down a hallway, to the operating room. I was able to see what time it was it was 5;30PM. The pains where still the same  like on a scale from on to ten they were a ten.                                                       
In the meantime my husband went to our sons apartment told him what had occurred, and then the both of them drove to Columbus, which is about an hours drive from our house. My husband informed me later on that the both of  them kind of got lost on the way to the hospital, and it took them a little longer to find the place. Back to me,  the wonderful doctors performed Angioplasty on me and placed a Stent into my heart.
This operation did not take very long at all, they worked really fast on me. Only a half on an hour that's all it took. After I was done I lay ed in recovery for two good hours. I thought that after they worked on me the pain would be gone, but no they lasted until 8:00PM in the evening. The nurse put me in ICU for one day. I finally was aloud to see my family. The next day after that they put me on another floor with another patient. I could finally take a shower. You have no idea how bad I felt, because I had postponed my shower that Saturday, I wanted to take it after I was done washing my car.
 You should have seen me, here I was hooked up to an IV and a patch on the groin area, ready to take that shower, boy that felt good, I felt like a new person. I mean they let me wash up in ICU, but a shower is a shower , right? Well on Monday I was aloud to go home. That night I was scared to go to sleep, don't get me wrong, I was glad to be home again, but I was scared that I might not wake up after I went to sleep. I felt that way for quite some time I also started to feel very depressed. I heard from some elderly people that they basically went through the same kind of feelings. It takes time for the body to adjust, because everything goes slower, like waking stairs, and everyday chores,
I  felt like I went in slow motion all the time. With every move I had to do. Like an elderly person.      I was only 45 years old then. They say this doesn't happen to young folks, well it happened to me. This happened almost 7 years ago. In the meantime I went through  three Catherizations, the Cath I had was three years ago and my Stent and artery are totally blocked, and the only reason I'm alive today, because small arteries have formed a bypass, to supply blood to my heart. I am a lucky person had an guardian angel over me. I had a close call I know, and the doctors pulled on of my legs back out of the grave.
 They are my real Heroes for saving my life, also Homer Emergency, Lifelight. Thank you all so much.
And please don't hesitate CALL 911.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Close call with death

Das Waldschwimmbad

Harry my husband and I lived in Germany at the time, it was in 1977.  It was a nice warm summer day that we decided to go for a swim. That day my little nephew had no school, because of summer vacation. So we thought all three of us could go to the woods, were their was a small lake to go swimming.
We packed blankets and towels, and off  we went. It was  pretty busy over their. Lots of folks their. When we got here we looked for a nice shady spot to lay down and found one by some pine trees. We unfolded our blankets and lay ed down for a while. Boy was it hot out. Well, after being here for a while, we decided to go swimming. My nephew was all exited, but he couldn't swim. Harry said to him, hop on my shoulders I'll carry you into the water. Well they did.
We were all laughing and having fun. Harry was walking a little bit further out. I already swam around and felt the weeds around my legs. Which I didn't care for. It kind of scared me to get tangled up in them, so I swam back and just watched those two have fun.
Harry started to hop up and down with my nephew on his shoulders a few times, when he suddenly went under the water. My nephew was so scared he clung on so tied and choked and pushed him down , to stay above the water. As Harry came back up, he went under about three times . My nephew started to cry, I swam over to them and pulled Harry and my nephew over to me, then I pulled my nephew off of my Harry and Harry finally found ground under his feet were he could stand and get out of the water.
That was such a scary situation.  I can't imagine how those two felt, because my heart  was pounding real fast. Never the less, we dried up, picked up our blankets and left.
My nephew still in tears from the shock cried almost all the way home. That's the last time we went for a swim in the lake. That was a close call, that day. I don't want to brag on my self, but if I wouldn't have been their at the time, those two might have drowned that day.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Poem...........THE JOURNEY HOME

The internal light surrounds me.
My eyes are so tired I feel so weak.
I can't hardly move I can't hardly speak.
I feel my heart is pounding in my chest like it's about to jump out of me.
It races and races, oh, so fast, like it's running out of time.
My body feels it's getting colder and colder with time.
All I do is think what is going to happen. My thoughts become clouded, my body starts to feel numb.
I know I won't wake once I go to sleep.
The internal light becomes real weak. I'm about to enter sands of time.
 No one can help me at this point in time.  I'm to far gone, I'm to far gone.
 First the internal light  was real bright then it started to fade into darkness, never to return.
 I waited and waited to see it again, it came back once  more,
 but very weak and like a flash it disappeared again. It was gone, gone forever.
So now I'm on a Journey to go home called heaven.


I am an empty tree it is fall. I lost all my leaves to the frost.
My leaves looked once very pretty, I wore every color imaginable,
they all fell to the ground and it looked like a blanket.
Covering every inch of the ground.  
I feel cold and ugly, without my coat on.  Sometimes I have a leave on my branch,
that is still clinging, but the cold harsh winter wind and snow brings it down after a storm.
I can't wait till spring time, when I bud out again on every branch.


Many people will walk in and out of your life.  But only  true friends will leave footprints in your heart. Isn't it  ironic? We ignore the ones who adore us, adore the ones that ignore us, love the ones who hurt us, and hurt the ones that love us.                                                                                  By Gabriele Bales